

June 16-17th, 2010,  Sergey Lyangasov



, Ph.D. (pictured above) attended the 7theLearnExpo - Moscow International Exhibition and Conference.

Sergey won a GRAND PRIZE nomination for the most valuable eLearning project of the year with social impact. Sergey has over 5 years experience with En101, and is famous for incorporating En101 into teenager’s education and teenager’s IT self-employment.   


Information about the International eLearnExpo:

The eLearnExpo has enjoyed the position of being the FIRST and ONLY international exhibition and conference in Russia and CIS for professional training and learning with focus on enterprise and also with solutions for the academic and public sector. 

Launched in 2004, the event is supported by government institutions and is widely covered in press. Having proved it's critical importance to the e-learning fraternity worldwide, eLearnExpo Moscow 2010 was considered to be a major event in the field of education and training.

E-learning in the Russian Federation is a fast developing industry. This exhibition and conference provides the global e-learning industry with a unique opportunity to meet the decision-makers first hand.

The exhibition featured over 40 exhibitors from around the world demonstrating their latest platforms, methods, tools and content for e-learning in education and the enterprise. The conference attracted more than 200 speakers and delegates from Russia, CIS and abroad.

A two day conference held alongside the exhibition included master classes, workshops, round tables and keynotes by leading experts. The aim of the conference was to bring together leading learning professionals and share the very latest methods, tools, concepts, research and experience in e-learning and learning integration.





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